UPDATE #1: As of August 23, 2021, Pfizer has received full FDA approval of its Covid vaccine named Comirnaty.
UPDATE #2: As referenced below, COVID vaccines do not qualify for compensation through any government-funded, vaccine injury program.
Since March 2020, we’ve all been through a lot with mask and vaccine mandates used to “combat” SARS-CoV-2. In recent months – around late 2020 through early 2021, COVID-19 vaccines entered the picture. At that time, many had already made up their minds to got the big jab. Those who initially hesitated found themselves swayed under the influence of their friends and family.
But as of late, many are getting it out of fear. Fear over future restrictions like vaccine requirements for international travel, college enrollment (if attending classes on-campus), and employer mandates (for certain industries) – just to name a few. Despite all of this, there are still many who remain either on the fence or far from it because their minds are definitively made up.
According to the ever-evolving COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor maintained by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), which certainly has no bias in their reporting1The KFF survey doesn’t indicate any specific details regarding its adult data pool. Nor does it provide the exact figures – real numbers not percentages. Why is this important? – because survey results can be easily manipulated on the front end. For example, KFF indicated “four in ten of those in the ‘wait and see’ group are people of color…” What does this imply? Shouldn’t it say, “Six in ten in the ‘wait and see’ are White adults”? meaning 60% of white versus 40% of blacks. Think about what’s reported in the news?!? Consider reading How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff for a better understanding of what I mean., there are two distinct “vaccine-hesitant” groups: (1) “wait and see” and (2) “definitely not” (or the “Oh H3ll Nah!” group). The former are waiting on more research (a.k.a. “proof”) that these new vaccine types are safe and effective for them (and their children). Their primary concern stems from the “fact” that it doesn’t have full FDA approval. Actually, I think the more appropriate term for how it’s classified right now is “FDA-authorized.” Please check out <em>The Narrated World of Vaccines<em> – in a recent episode of my podcast entitled <em>The Alchemy of It All</em> to learn in detail about what an Emergency Use Authorization is and how it works.2An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under a EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.” (Source)
For these individuals, the consensus is – It’s just too new for their blood – pun intended. Per Dawn Lester & David Parker in What Really Makes You Ill: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong (2019), even “FDA approved” doesn’t carry the merit many think it does:
A large portion of pharmaceuticals are manufactured by American drug companies, which means they require approval by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It is likely that the vast majority of people assume that this approval process means that all drugs on the market have been scientifically proven to be both safe and effective because it is only after approval that drugs can become available for prescription to patients. It should be expected, therefore, the FDA conducts its own rigorous tests prior to approving any drug as a suitable ‘medicine’ for public consumption.
“Unfortunately, this is not the case, Dr. David Michaels PD explains in his book entitled Doubt is Their Product: ‘Under the US system, the pertinent regulatory agency – the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – grants licenses for new medications based on its review of the various laboratory tests and clinical trials reported by the companies themselves. The FDA can study the data and the results as reported, but it has neither the staff nor the resources to duplicate the work itself.” (Source)
According to KFF, aside from FDA approval, “vaccine myths” and other “misinformation” are what’s keeping many from getting vaccinated. Myths like:
- You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
- The COVID-19 vaccines contain fetal cells.
- The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility.
- You should not get the vaccine if you have already had COVID-19.
- The COVID-19 vaccines can change your DNA.
Regardless if these are truths, myths, or somewhere in-between, who could blame anyone for being hesitant? Add to that, no one can deny the fact that it typically takes over a decade for a new vaccine to be developed. Yet this one seemed to have “appeared” out of nowhere. Criticism is valid since no mRNA “technology” has ever been FDA-approved (for vaccines). So, the question remains, how did an unapproved “vaccine technology” suddenly evolved in less than a year and a half and now is considered the one-size-fits-all answer for eradicating everything labeled as COVID? Sorry, but to me, this screams live simulation as mentioned in my most recent podcast.3A health simulation is “a technique that creates a situation or environment to allow persons to experience a representation of a real health care event for the purpose of practice, learning, evaluation, testing, or to gain [an] understanding of systems or human actions.” (Society for Simulation in Healthcare)
Throughout this process, I can’t help but wonder why so many doctors have banded together to speak out. Embedded below is one such example entitled Ask the Experts 2 – BBC Panorama Response by Oracle Films. As you watch, ask yourself:
- Are they all lying?
- How long will we – as a Collective – continue to turn a blind eye?
- Don’t these doctors have more to gain by “going along to get along,” then putting their careers on the line to stand up against the federal government and “Big Pharma”?
- Is anybody listening to them?!?
No Vaccine, No Service…
Back to our KFF data… Aside from the “wait and see” group, you’ll find those who are adamant! Just like the doctors in the video above, if the latter group doesn’t conform, then they run the risk of being bullied or ostracized from society. Large employers are already leading the charge to support federal, state, and/or local governments as they impose their own mandates. The newest one prevents the unvaccinated from indoor access to restaurants, event halls, etc. These same entities are giving ultimatums to their employees – be vaccinated or lost your job.
Some federal employees, larger metropolitan hospitals, active military personnel, along with large companies like Google, Facebook, Tyson Foods, and United Airlines are all requiring their workers to be vaccinated.4Article: Employers React to Workers Who Refuse Vaccination as COVID-19 Cases Rise by Allen Smith, J.D., and Lisa Nagele-Piazza, J.D., SHRM-SCP (August 4, 2021) Others currently aren’t taking such strong measures as in Southwest Airlines, Delta Airlines, and American Airlines.
On this note, a huge concern for both groups is that their source of income could easily be affected if they refuse the vaccine. Even KFF believes that – aside from FDA approval – many would likely change their minds if their employers required vaccines. Unfortunately, such arm twisting leaves people in a tough position. Is mass unemployment a part of the plan – the ultimate agenda behind COVID? Or, is this vaccine the new face of job security, and if so, why is that the case?
The COVID vaccines already on the market are available to those 12 and up. As I write, vaccine availability is quickly expanding to the younger populations (under 12). The agenda expands to having children (12-17) vaccinated by the end of this year. Plus, “The FDA has been saying since May [2021] that it expects vaccines to be available for kids under 12 on a ‘fall or winter timeline.'” (Source) That’s within the next three to six months or so. Where will we draw the line? Will we take a stand for the next generation or will we roll up their sleeves without question?
…Still Considering the Jab?
Here are a few things to consider if you – as an adult – are sitting on the fence:
(1) Do you have any pre-existing conditions, which prevent you from getting the COVID vaccine?5Even the CDC says “those with a contraindication should not be vaccinated.” (a href=”https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/managing-anaphylaxis.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fvaccines%2Fcovid-19%2Finfo-by-product%2Fpfizer%2Fanaphylaxis-management.html”>Source)
In the CDC’s Pre-Vaccination Screening Form, which was last updated 8/9/21, there are specific questions regarding conditions that might make one unsuitable for the vaccine, such as:
- History of myocarditis or pericarditis6“Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is the inflammation of the lining outside the heart.” (Source)
- (Prior) Severe allergic reactions to vaccines, food, pet, venom, environmental, oral medications, etc.
- Prior COVID-19 sufferers who were treated with “monoclonal antibodies or convalescent serum”7“Both convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies are what we call antibody-based therapies, but they differ in how they are made. Convalescent plasma comes from people who donate their plasma, and monoclonal antibodies are essentially made in a factory.” (Source)
- Diagnosed with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C or MIS-A) after a COVID-19 infection
- Have a weakened immune system (i.e., HIV, cancer)
- Taking immunosuppressive drugs or therapies
- Have a bleeding disorder
- Take a blood thinner
- Have a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
- Currently pregnant or breastfeeding
- Have received dermal fillers8Ex: Botox
- History of Guillian-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
Many sources have also the above as side effects as well, along with allergic skin reactions, kidney inflammation and other kidney-related disorders, menstrual disorders even among those who have reached menopause, or worse, early death due to blood clots. Just this week, the CDC has “allegedly reversed” its suggestions on pregnant women getting the shot. They’ve suddenly also authorized that those who are immunocompromised should get a third shot after their initial (Pfizer or Moderna) doses. With that said, we can surely expect this “pandemic” to remain in effect until everyone is either seriously deformed or worse, deceased – or at least everyone in the United States, and then and only then may we wake up to the real intent behind this pandemic.
(2) Are you allergic to any of the vaccine’s active (or inactive) ingredients?
The active ingredient for both the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines is mRNA (or “nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2” while for Johnson & Johnson9a.k.a. Janssen), its a “recombinant, replication, incompetent Ad26 vector, encoding a stabilized variant of the SARS-COV-2 Spike (S) protein.” Below is a diagram from a Moderna handout, identifying ingredients for all three FDA-authorized distributors. Don’t be shocked if you can’t identify most of the ingredients but you might want to check them out to be safe, right?!? In other words, you shouldn’t take the vaccine if you’re allergic to any of these ingredients? #gofigure
(3) What have you been doing to maintain a healthy immune system?
Seeking “health in a needle”10Quote by Christiane Northrup (Source) isn’t helpful if you aren’t actively maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Aside from any preexisting medical issues, your eating habits, your stress level, and your physical fitness levels all play a MAJOR role in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Do you regularly eat whole foods like leafy green vegetables? Do you consume grass-fed only meat and animal products (or at least take a B12 prescription if vegan)? Believe me the quality of the food you eat matters.
How much water do you drink daily? Consuming beverages high in sugar like juices and sodas only rob your body of nutrients.
Do you suffer from excessive mental chatter? Are you a hypochondriac, or perhaps you might suffer from OCD? Your thought patterns matter and if you dwell on anything long enough, it can manifest as physical symptoms in your body.
How often do you exercise? If you don’t formally exercise, how often do you get up and move especially if you work a sedentary job? How much time do you spend in nature?
Most importantly, where are the discussions from the government officials on NUTRITION & WELLNESS?
(4) Are they any other options besides a vaccine?
Despite popular opinion, there are readily available drugs on the market that are already FDA-approved and could easily be used for COVID right now. I’m sure you’ve probably heard arguments (and other controversies) surrounding the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin (here in the US). These work best in conjunction with supplements like Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin – a flavonoid, and Zinc, especially in those under 50 and are relatively healthy.
Final Points:
The most important question to ask yourself is: “Why is the government pushing so hard for EVERYONE to get vaccinated?”
Let’s say you do get the vaccine and suffer a major setback in your health or worse, you die. You do know that you can’t sue the government or Big Pharma? The risk falls on you not them.
However, you could receive a small compensation due to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. But then again, why do you need such a program if vaccines are safe?
Up next, booster shots – oh right, that’s already in motion.
- 1The KFF survey doesn’t indicate any specific details regarding its adult data pool. Nor does it provide the exact figures – real numbers not percentages. Why is this important? – because survey results can be easily manipulated on the front end. For example, KFF indicated “four in ten of those in the ‘wait and see’ group are people of color…” What does this imply? Shouldn’t it say, “Six in ten in the ‘wait and see’ are White adults”? meaning 60% of white versus 40% of blacks. Think about what’s reported in the news?!? Consider reading How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff for a better understanding of what I mean.
- 2An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under a EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.” (Source)
- 3A health simulation is “a technique that creates a situation or environment to allow persons to experience a representation of a real health care event for the purpose of practice, learning, evaluation, testing, or to gain [an] understanding of systems or human actions.” (Society for Simulation in Healthcare)
- 4Article: Employers React to Workers Who Refuse Vaccination as COVID-19 Cases Rise by Allen Smith, J.D., and Lisa Nagele-Piazza, J.D., SHRM-SCP (August 4, 2021)
- 5Even the CDC says “those with a contraindication should not be vaccinated.” (a href=”https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/managing-anaphylaxis.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fvaccines%2Fcovid-19%2Finfo-by-product%2Fpfizer%2Fanaphylaxis-management.html”>Source)
- 6“Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is the inflammation of the lining outside the heart.” (Source)
- 7“Both convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies are what we call antibody-based therapies, but they differ in how they are made. Convalescent plasma comes from people who donate their plasma, and monoclonal antibodies are essentially made in a factory.” (Source)
- 8Ex: Botox
- 9a.k.a. Janssen
- 10Quote by Christiane Northrup (Source)