A few weeks before everything went haywire here in the States due to COVID-19, someone approached me out the blue asking: “So what do you think about this?” Unsure of how to answer her, I opted to keep it strictly professional. Of course, she redirected me by indicating she wanted to know what I was sensing spiritually.

Most of the country, but especially here in Louisiana, schools are closed including non-essential businesses for the next four weeks or so. On Friday the 13th – of all days, the governor issued a public health proclamation that limited public gatherings to no more than 50 people, closed all casinos and gambling establishments, closing of movie theaters, and limiting restaurants to take-out orders only. It has since been downgraded to no more than 10 people and now all non-essential businesses are closed. Recently, a Louisiana megachurch pastor was arrested for continuing to hold Sunday services with hundreds of attendees. Even after his arrest, he had yet another church service. Really?!? Despite my personal beliefs about the coronavirus, I don’t think I’d risk going to jail over it. I’d say that in this particular fight – one might want to lay low – at least for the time being!

Medically Speaking…

In short, the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, is a “newer” form of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Both SARS and MERS (or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) are forms of coronavirus, which is a cluster of viruses that cause mild to severe respiratory-tract illnesses. Allegedly, this new strand appears to linger longer supposedly on certain types of surfaces making it easier for others to become infected. According to the CDC, its most common means of contraction is “through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs” (CDC). So far, those at most risks are the elderly (>65) as well as any adults with a pre-existing health condition, specifically a compromised immune system.1

Spiritually Speaking…

Earlier this year, in my own personal quiet time, God/Spirit/Source revealed to me that 2020 is the YEAR of TRANSFORMATION. I actually wrote in my personal journal how this transformation would transpire saying: [bctt tweet=”‘Everyone thought someone outside of themselves could help them when all they needed to do was connect with the Real Source.’ @JahKeyTha” username=”JahKeyTha”] Supposedly, the 3D (“Earth Plane”) regulations placed on most Americans today is to protect the masses from large-scale contamination as it relates to the potential of mass deaths that allegedly have happened in Italy, China, and South Korea already. What’s transpiring now is a 5D REALITY SHIFT that is manifesting on the Earth Plane (in the 3D). Unfortunately, many will lose their lives (be purged from The Matrix) during this time. It’s not personal, it’s necessary.

TRANSFORMATION is not possible without CHANGE. With that said, the unfolding PARADIGM SHIFT is manifesting in ways that we can’t turn off. Get ready because the new normal is here. Every area of our lives – including our physical or emotional senses – will be touched by this pandemic. Even the sigil (or symbol) for 2020 that God/Spirit showed me during that same quiet time was the LABYRINTH. Even it perfectly speaks to what we are all experiencing worldwide. With the labyrinth, the way in – is the way out. When this is over, you’ll need to make a choice: What I heard is you’ll come out in one of three ways: (1) through death (DIE), (2) survival (THRIVE), or (3) “buying into” fear (GO CRAZY). Today, I heard Robert Kiyosaki (a.k.a. Rich Dad, Poor Dad) say in HOW TO SURVIVE THE CORONAVIRUS RECESSION (with London Real): “…Get healthier and wealthier or go bust!”

The divine lesson here involves being still and getting attuned to the divine direction, especially for twin flames. God/Source/Spirit is PAVING THE WAY for those who have been called to step work and fulfill their DIVINE ASSIGNMENTS. If you are “listening” then you know that now is the time to STEP FORWARD.




Instead of binge-watching Netflix or indulging in excessive eating, drinking, and the like, take this time of social distancing to go within. Ask yourself the following questions so you can get a jump start on getting your post-coronavirus affairs in order:

  1. In what ways, can you improve upon your own self-care?
  2. What people, places, and things need to be cleared out of your life?
  3. What spiritual/divine gifts have you been hiding or hoarding?
  4. What golden opportunities have you been missing because you can’t “be still and know”?
  5. What are you going to do differently in your life when this is all over?

1Per the CDC, “People of any age with the following underlying medical conditions, particularly those that are not well controlled [includes] chronic lung disease or asthma, congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease, diabetes, neurologic conditions that weaken [the] ability to cough, weakened immune system, chemotherapy or radiation for cancer (currently or in recent past), sickle cell anemia, chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis, cirrhosis of the liver, lack of spleen or spleen that doesn’t function correctly, or extreme obesity (body mass index greater than or equal to 40).
2The backstory for this revelation connects with the Good vs Evil Intentions article posted on The House of Jezebel Blog located here.


This post was originally posted on Jaketha.com.

1 Comment

  1. […] light on negative patterns that are holding you back and now must be let go of. As I shared in my 2020: The Year of Transformation blog post, a quote shared by Robert Kiyosaki as it relates to the coronavirus recession: “Get […]

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