Initial Coaching Request Form Order Number Thank you and congratulations on your interest in spiritual life coaching services with The Divinely Preserved Healer. To get started, we have prepared the following assessment for you. It will help us better understand how you view yourself and your world, especially since people have a unique way of thinking and a unique way of interacting with those around them. Therefore, these questions stimulate your thinking and will make your future sessions with us even more productive. Sincerely, ~the divinely preserved healer team CLIENT INFORMATION TITLE: Choose One: Mr. Ms. Mrs. Prof. Dr. FIRST NAME: * LAST NAME: * EMAIL ADDRESS: * MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/PROVINCE: - Select Province/State - Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon ==================== Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming ZIP CODE: CONTACT NUMBER (Primary): * PHONE NUMBER TYPE (Primary): * Cell Work Home BIRTH YEAR: OCCUPATION: ALTERNATE CONTACT #: PHONE NUMBER (Alternate): Cell Work Home MARTIAL STATUS: Choose one: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed # OF CHILDREN: Field only accepts numbers LIFE SATISFACTION ASSESSMENT (1) What score out of 10 would give for how SATISFIED you are with your life overall? * 5 0 = very unsatisfied, 10 = very satisfied (2) What score would you give for how much FUN you're having in life? * 5 0 = awful, 5 = neutral, 10 = fantastic (3) What score would you give for how HAPPY you are in your current CAREER: * 5 0 = not happy, 5 = content, 10 = very happy (4) Give a score out of 10 for how OVERWHELMED, BUSY, or STRESSED you feel: * 5 0 = not stressed, 5 = content, 10 = extremely stressed (5) Deep down, I like myself * 0 -5 = I don't like myself at all, 0 = I'm okay with me, +5 for I wholeheartedly love myself (6) What is your FAVORITE thing in life at the moment? * (7) What could be IMPROVED in your life at the moment? * (8) As it relates to spiritual coaching, I am looking for/to: * More Meaning/Purpose in Life More Fulfillment/Happiness in Life More Ease/Simplicity or Balance in Life More Freedom and/or Inner Peace in Life Change or Move Forward in my Career Achieve my Goals Faster/More Easily Learn to Trust Myself More/Be My Authentic Self None of the Above Check all that apply (9) What is your preferred learning style? * VISUAL: PowerPoint, pictures, videos, graphs, illustrations, etc. AUDITORY: podcast, videos, one-on-one conversations, group discussions and the like. KINESTHETIC: walking, meetings, role-playing, notetaking Select one (10) What else would you like for The Divinely Preserved Healer, as your coach, to know about you? sadsdfsdfsadf werqerwerqwer # * reCaptcha